Snack Sign Up

Be sure to sign up for snack donations by clicking on the link below:

September Snack Donations

August Snack Donations

February/March Snack Donations

Most days, we will continue to work right through snack, so please make sure that whatever you provide can be easily managed by the students. Individual packs are helpful, but not required. Some healthy, easy options include cereal, Goldfish, pretzels, crackers, fruit snacks, graham crackers, squeezable applesauce, animal crackers, fruit, etc. Please do not send anything containing peanuts and/or peanut butter, cookies, potato chips, candy, pop, juice, or anything sticky and/or greasy. Thank you for your support and keeping tummies full so we can concentrate on our learning!

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Curran's Apple Orchard

Today was the perfect fall day for our field trip at Curran's Apple Orchard! It may have been a little on the chilly side, but the kiddo...